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2014 Virtual Science Fair 1st Prize

2013 Virtual Sceince Fair 2nd Prize

Won $300 and $50 respectively

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2011 Grade 5 Fibonacci Distinction

2012 Grade 7 Gauss Distinction

2013 Grade 9-10 CIMC Distinction

2014 Grade 8 Lagrange Distinction

2014 Grade 9 Fryer Distinction

2014 Grade 9 Newton Distinction

2014 Grade 7 Gauss Perfect Score

2013 AMC 8 Honor Roll (Top 5%)


I have a strong interest in math. I started to take advanced math in Grade 3, and in Grade 7, I finished Grade 11 Level Math through tutoring programs and self study. I have collected math awards in numerous contests such as AMC8, CIMC, Newton, Lagrange, Gauss, Fryer, and more. My latest rewards include the Honor Roll (Top 5%) in the AMC8 contest, and an Outstanding Achievement (perfect score) in the Grade 7 Gauss contest. I received special permission to attend the DEEP program hosted by the University of Toronto, an enriched March Break math course specially designed for Grade 9-12 students.


I am passionate in science. I love all books related to advanced science topics, such as string theory, general relativity, and quantum physics (e.g. The Grand Design by Stephen Hawking). I won the 2014 Virtual Science Fair national competition for grade 7 to 9 (Summa Cum Laude 1st Prize with $300 cheque). I also won the 2013 Virtual Science Fair (Magna Cum Laude 2nd Prize with $50 cheque). In grade 7, I already finished the Grade 12 Ontario Physics curriculum with self study and tutoring services.


I love investment and most finance topics. When I was 9, I attended the Camp Millionaire Junior Summer Camp. I attended the Camp Millionaire Senior Summer Camp and Wealth Rules Summer Camp at the age of 11. I won the award of Camp Millionaire in 2013. I met Mr. Warren Buffett in person and got his autograph, through careful planning and persistent efforts despite the massive crowd of 30 thousand people all wanting to see Mr. Buffett up front. I read several financial books such as Rich Dad, Poor Dad, The Art of Value Investing, and others.

A Passionate Boy Eager to Share and Contribute

My name is Felix Yu, currently a Grade 8 student. I have a passion in science and computer technology. Passion is a powerful tool to drive me beyond my limits. For instance, I was fascinated by black holes in Grade 5, and became addicted to quantum physics since Grade 6. As another example, I started to type properly with a small keyboard without looking at it by the age of 5 and started taking computer courses in Grade 2 until now, including advanced programming with complex mathematical algorithm.

My passion not only enabled me to learn more, but also motivated me to share and give back. As an example, I started to enjoy solving the Rubik’s Cube a few weeks ago. With curiosity and passion, I managed to improve my speed from 5 minutes to 1 minute within less than three weeks. I loved what I did so much that I couldn’t help to share it with my friends. After many of my friends started to learn the technique, I decided to make the group more official and form a Rubik’s Cube club, so the whole school community can benefit from what I learned.

More About Felix